How To Increase Your Home Based Mlm Business Opportunity Leads With Video - 5 Tips -

How To Increase Your Home Based Mlm Business Opportunity Leads With Video - 5 Tips -
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Iowa City, IA ( February 2, 2013 - How To Increase Your Home Based Mlm Business Opportunity Leads With Video - 5 Tips -

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few years you cannot help but to notice the online video revolution taking place. The online video industry leader You Tube is now one of the most visited websites in the world.

You can take advantage of this popularity and use it to increase your home based MLM business opportunity leads. This article will give you 5 tips to do just that:

1) Eye Catching Title with Keyword: Two key tips for your video title, create an eye catching title that will arouse interest, and secondly include your target keyword in your title.

The eye catching title is quite self explanatory. However the reason for the keyword in your video title may not be. This will allow you to be indexed in search engines for your businesses chosen keyword. For example your keyword could be 'MLM'; I would then create a video titled '5 tips to win at MLM'.

2) Short 2 minute content: The attention span of the average video watcher on You Tube is approximately 2 minutes & 37 seconds. Therefore I recommend that your videos are no more than 2 minutes to insure that most people will watch your whole video.

To get the best results from your videos and attract prospects into your home based MLM business opportunity, I suggest creating an agenda of what you actually plan to say in your video based on your chosen keyword. I say an agenda as appose to a script for a good reason.

If you create a script you will be very tempted to read from the script or sound rehearsed. The idea is to appear natural. It is also acceptable to have a few mistakes in there, we are only human!

3) Call to action: At the end of the video you need to direct the attention of your viewer to your website or website link. You will be surprised how important this step is.

As much as you may assume people will know what to do at the end if you do not direct them they will not do anything.

I suggest you either tell the viewer in your video and point to the location of your website URL or add text to your video to tell them.

4) Regular fresh content: To generate the MLM network marketing lead using video you need to be very consistent. You need to create videos on a weekly basis. The more videos that are out there working for you, the better chances of your success.

5) Sales Funnel: After you have given the viewer your call to action it is important to have a system in place that will keep in contact with them.

Your system should contact the MLM network marketing lead on auto-pilot and provide value. The system should also contain information about your primary MLM business, and also create multiple streams of income from the same MLM network marketing lead.

If you follow my 5 tips, you will be well on your way to Increase your home based MLM business opportunity leads using Video.

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Tag Words: business, leads, income home, marketing, network marketing, iphone
Categories: Marketing

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