4 Quick Cash Gifting Tips To Increase Leads - Tech-Geniuses.com
4 Quick Cash Gifting Tips To Increase Leads - Tech-Geniuses.com

Leads are the bread and butter of your cash gifting activity. Without leads you are doomed. With leads, you prosper.
I am stunned how few people spend significant time learning how to generate targeted leads. It takes a little bit of intelligence and a ton of persistence, maybe this is why many cower from the activity.
Cash Gifting Leads
1 - Create Immense Value
Create immense value for your target market. Over deliver. Go above and beyond. Help people solve problems with your unique insight. Put yourself in your prospect's shoes. Go ahead, do it now. Visualize yourself struggling - when you were a newb - or if you are struggling now, what a great place to start.
If you struggle you simply have not persisted using a proven system. What's the core idea in any proven marketing system? Creating immense value for your prospects.
2 - Target
Target your cash gifting marketing campaign. Build each article around keywords. Aim for 400 to 600 words per article. Place the niche specific keyword once in the first and last paragraph and twice in a set of H1 tags to speak music to the ears of search engines.
Google and Co love proper keyword placement and density. 4 mentions works nicely and peppering the keyword in the first and last paragraph, along with in h2 tags, seems to vibe with search engines too.
3 - Promote
Promote each article aggressively across multiple networks. Use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon. Promoting across networks increases your search engine rank. You also serve up content to people across multiple channels, a must for people who want to reach different audiences.
4 - Squeeze Page Homework
Post your opt-in form above the fold. Keep your form prominent. Lazy web viewers hate scrolling below the fold to get to your opt-in offer. Most simply wont do it. Always cater to your users, think like most people - who, incidentally, are lazy - and keep convenience in mind at all time.
Thinking like prospects increases leads. Simple.
Cash Gifting Leads - Summary
Create serious value for your target market. Promote the stuffing out of your posts to increase search engine traffic. Intelligently design your squeeze page to drive a serious number of cash gifting leads to your club.
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