Driving Your Home Based Business Leads Through The Roof 7 Websites - Tech-Geniuses.com
Driving Your Home Based Business Leads Through The Roof 7 Websites - Tech-Geniuses.com

Jacking up your home based business leads means expanding your web presence. Network on as many sites as possible. Focus on 1 or 2 sites but maintain a presence on a collection of websites related to your niche. Even if you don't actively network on these sites some people will pick up your content, dig it, and share across their networks.
I rarely visit LinkedIn yet my posts are automatically shared by 4 individuals after I publish. People who like your content seem to find you, even if you don't actively network on the site. Spread your value-packed, helpful blog posts, videos and articles across multiple niche-specific networks and prosper.
Home Based Business Leads
1 - Twitter
Twitter is the Wild West of social networking. You have 140 characters to creatively mold into compelling tweets. Tweet value. RT. Engage. Give freely, receive generously, the rule of thumb for any social network.
Thank each of your RTers. Grateful people gain large followings because gratitude is a conduit to good. Everybody likes a thankful person. Your opt-ins increase dramatically as you share value and make connections with like-minded tweeters. Stay on topic to drive those leads big-time.
2 - Facebook
Facebook helps you develop an intimate connection with friends. Send personalized messages to build a strong bond. Add like-minded friends to increase your presence and grow your cash gifting club or home based opportunity. Share value, become valuable. Take time to develop meaningful connections with other leaders and you can turbocharge your lead generation efforts.
3 - Ping.fm
Ping.fm is a pinging site that helps you post to various social networks. I prefer posting to twitter and Facebook manually, as I note more clickthroughs with this strategy. I use this pinging tool to post to sites like Tumblr, Flickr,FriendFeed and LinkedIn. Plug in, set up your accounts and increase those leads.
4 - Cash Gifting Angels
Angels is a gifting-related niche site, similar to the Facebook of gifting. Post articles, publish blog posts, upload videos or pictures. Branch out, network, prosper. You get in relation to how much you give. Add real value to the network. Scrap the endless advertisements. Educate individuals about sharing clubs or your other home based opportunities. Update frequently to boost Angel's search engine rank, benefiting all who use the network.
5 - Google Plus
G Plus is a mix of Twitter and Facebook. You can post articles, blogs, pictures and videos, with the neat graphics showing up. Adopt the social media mantra: give freely, receive generously. Share massive value to become valuable. Take time to follow back your followers, or rather, add people to your circles. Build your network patiently. Leave comments and Plus 1 niche-specific posts to branch out and expand your presence.
6 - Home Based Business Program
This network is a helpful site which can generate a ton of targeted leads for you. Post links to your latest posts, videos and text-only updates to send people to your website. Copy and past your latest blog posts to your HBBP blog. Think attraction marketing. Lay out breadcrumbs with your campaign to draw in hungry leads, and as your list grows you make more money and grow your team.
7 - Homebasedbusiness.com
This is another home based social network, similar to Home Based Business Program. The site pops up as the first result for a google "home based business search"....talk about loads of targeted traffic! Keep adding value on a daily basis to attract leads and grow your gifting club or MLM. Add value, become valuable.
Home Based Business Leads - Summary
Use the stalwarts of Twitter and Facebook to make connections, add value and boost your leads. Ping social sites with pingfm. Join Cash Gifting Angels and Google Plus to branch out into your niche and expand your presence. Join Home Based Business Program and Homebasedbusiness.com to drive hyper targeted leads to your website.
Maintain a presence on each website daily to drive boatloads of targeted, hungry home based business leads to your website.
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