Polarion Software Announces Polarion 2013

Latest Edition of Company's Requirements Management, Quality Assurance and Application Lifecycle Management Solution Incorporates Real-need Features for Software and Product Development Project Teams
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Stuttgart, Germany (prHWY.com) March 1, 2013 - Stuttgart, Germany, March 01, 2013 -- Polarion Software, creator of the world's fastest enterprise scale web-based ALM solution, today announced the availability of Polarion 2013, the most recent edition of the company's patented solutions for Requirements Management, Test & Quality Management, and ALM.

Unprecedented Features and Enhanced Capabilities of Polarion 2013 Solidify Polarion's Industry Lead

Diagramming: Create and edit diagrams

Formal Testing Procedures: Define explicit test steps tables that capture how to conduct tests

Test Planning: Plan tests with enhanced flexibility using live query results, or hand-pick which test cases to be executed

OLE Support: Import proprietary Microsoft® OLE objects on the Windows platform

Connectors: Polarion Connector for HP Quality Center(TM) (HP QC) and Polarion Connector for Atlassian JIRA(TM)

iOS Support: All the functionality of Polarion® REVIEWER(TM) on the iPhone(TM) or iPad(TM)

Work Item Linking: Link items easily and visually within one browser window or across several

Query Building: Construct queries visually by selecting elements; reuse most recent query elements

"The new and enhanced capabilities of Polarion 2013 - and the introduction of our newest product, Polarion® CLOUD(TM) - reinforce the company's commitment to deliver real value to our customers," said Jiri Walek, Polarion Product Manager.

Hundreds of Global 1000 companies rely daily on Polarion's solutions in their business processes. As Dr. Markus Liebelt of T-Systems International GmbH stated, "We have used Polarion over the last 5 years in a lot of different projects. Polarion allowed us to provide a standard process and reports; projects could adapt that locally. The great support of Polarion helped us to manage all upgrades and transitions seamlessly." Or, as Edward Ianuzi of Decision Lens Inc summarized, "Polarion is all that I hoped it would be!"

About Polarion Software:
Polarion Software's success is best described by the hundreds of Global 1000 companies and over 1 Million users who rely daily on Polarion's Requirements Management, Quality Assurance, and Application Lifecycle Management solutions. Polarion is a thriving international company with offices across Europe and North America, and a wide ecosystem of partners world-wide. For more information, visit www.polarion.com.

Marc Detmers
Polarion Software
Polarion Software GmbH
Hedelfinger Straße 60
70327 Stuttgart, Germany
+49 711 489 9969 - 0


Tag Words: product development, quality assurance, software, application lifecycle
Categories: Technology

Press Release Contact
Polarion Software
Polarion Software GmbH
Hedelfinger Straße 60
70327 Stuttgart, Germany

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