Intelligent InSites Shares Best Practices for Enterprise-wide RTLS & RFID Success

Healthcare professionals to learn how to ensure a successful deployment of real-time location system (RTLS) to deliver ongoing process improvement, better care, and reduced costs
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Fargo, ND ( October 18, 2012 - Fargo, ND, US, October 18, 2012 -- Intelligent InSites, Inc., the leading provider of enterprise real-time location systems (RTLS) software-helping healthcare organizations optimize operations by transforming automatically-collected data into actionable intelligence and real-time operational insights, enabling them to reduce costs, deliver better care, and improve patient satisfaction-will host a free webinar on October 25, 2012, at 12:00pm CT, to share best practices for enterprise-wide RTLS/RFID success.

Healthcare professionals who attend the webinar will discover important preparation tasks and baseline activities before starting the implementation process, learn best practices for successful implementation of an RTLS solution, and hear tips on managing the continuous process improvement and the hard-dollar ROI that can be achieved.

"Based on Intelligent InSites' experience across multiple enterprise-wide deployments of RTLS/RFID solutions, we have developed proven methodologies for RTLS/RFID success," said Marcus Ruark, Vice President of Intelligent InSites. "During this webinar we will share answers to questions like 'How do I prepare my organization for the change?' or 'How do we pick the right things to tag and manage with our RTLS solution?' and 'What types of real-time data should be collected and analyzed to deliver ongoing process improvement, better care, and reduce costs?'"

Healthcare providers can register for this complimentary webinar, as well as other webinars covering asset tracking and patient tracking, hospital connectivity, mobile healthcare, and lean hospital initiatives, by visiting:

About Marcus Ruark
Marcus Ruark is a seasoned technology executive with a deep understanding of healthcare operations and business processes. He has helped many healthcare providers develop real-time location and process automation strategies to improve key operational processes. Ruark earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management, both from Stanford University.

About Intelligent InSites
Intelligent InSites helps healthcare organizations improve care and reduce costs by transforming automatically-collected data into actionable insights at the point of care. Through its interoperable, hardware-neutral, healthcare real-time location system (RTLS) software platform, Intelligent InSites gathers data from real-time location, condition sensing, and healthcare IT systems; then delivers meaningful information to the right person, at the right time, on the right device. Intelligent InSites' customers gain enterprise-wide visibility and are able to impact continuous process improvements, resulting in remarkable financial and quality of care outcomes. For more information, visit

Contact Information : Intelligent InSites, Inc., Joanna Wyganowska, Director of Marketing, +1-701-893-2080,

Contact :
Joanna Wyganowska
Director of Marketing
Intelligent InSites, Inc.
102 Broadway
Fargo, ND 58102


Tag Words: software, healthcare, organizations, technology, hospital
Categories: Health

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102 Broadway
Fargo, ND 58102

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