ERIMS -Software to Ensure Environmental Compliance
ERIMS is an efficient environmental data management system designed for handling large volumes of environmental data.

Developed by WSP Environment & Energy, ERIMS allows for efficient data importing from a range of data sources into a central database. A senior executive with the company elaborated, "The software provides for data comparison and analysis, and extensive reporting and integration with other software. It helps you standardize and streamline your processes. It was designed by industry professionals with extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of environmental data."
ERIMS not only ensures regulatory compliance, but also positively affects your bottom line. Originally designed to facilitate management of field measurements and analytical results, the software is now used for handling a wide variety of information including maps and GIS data, climate data, scanned documents, continuous emissions data, property data, photos, permits and land ownership. The system can be used for resource allocation, risk management and maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.
ERIMS has inherent flexibility to facilitate seamless linking with desktop programs and environment-related specialty software packages. The executive further said, "SaaS (software-as-a-service) removes the risk of a physical installation. Moreover, users require minimal software training to operate it. Anyone who has a browser and an Internet connection can use the system.."
Implemented on a component by component basis, the environmental management software provides for quicker implementation and greater flexibility. The flexible design makes the software effective for any market sector.
About The Company
WSP Environment & Energy is a consulting firm, serving clients from offices across the US and across the world. They have developed ERIMS as a comprehensive environmental data management and compliance report solution, facilitating real time alerts on monitoring threshold exceedences and potential issues. Users can easily generate custom reports using the software.
Contact Information
WSP Environment & Energy
4600 South Ulster,
Suite 930,
Denver, CO 80237, USA
Telephone: +1 303-850-9200
Fax: +1 303-850- 9214
Categories: Business